

Recently, I’ve registered for Mastodon. I got intrigued about it when a friend, Karen, mentioned about it. For those who are not aware, Mastodon is the new social networking site that rocked the Internet for these past half month. But what’s different about Mastodon is that Mastodon is open-source. It means that the code is available for everyone to use, and people can make […]

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Why I Decided to Stay Away From Toxic People

Why I Decided to Stay Away From Toxic People

I’ve been alive for 3 decades now. I’ve been around to different places and worked in different environments. One thing that’s consistent to all these are the existence of these so called “toxic” people. I have probably met all of these types, at some point or the other. So, what or who are these “toxic” people? Toxic people comes in several […]

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Warm Tea

I stare blankly at the white sheets of my notebook Watching the ink from my pen as it bleeds I put the pen down slowly beside the notebook And lay my back down the coach from where I sit Imagining a guitar strumming from the background I close my eyes to feel the wind as it blows I start to […]

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Empress of China

I’ve been wanting to watch this series since its first debut. I just didn’t have the time to do so until my holiday vacation came. I had the entire half of December of last year for vacation, and I spent it all on watching TV series I’ve been wanting to watch. Empress of China is the first one I’ve seen when […]

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