Evernote Templates For BuJo Weeklys

Evernote Templates For BuJo Weeklys

I’ve been using a digital bujo for a year now. Last year, when I shared my digi bujo to everyone, some friends thought that my template and system makes sense, somewhow. So I thought of sharing these bujo templates I made for my Evernote last year. I’m still using them this year. I use these weekly templates by default and only use the monthlys […]

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Quests For 2019

Quest For 2019

I had a long list of goals last year – some I’ve completed, some I totally have zero progress, and there are a lot of recreational goals that I never ended up completing. Thankfully, by the time I did my year end recap, my main goals were mostly achieved. So for this year, I’ll prioritize 3 main goals – financial, photography, and […]

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2018 Quests Recap

2018 Quests Recap

The year is almost ending, so it’s time for my year end goal review. I had made a lot of improvement this year, but unfortunately, I did not meet a lot of goals. So, here’s a recap of my 2018 goals. Financial: Money tracking – logging of earnings, expenses and savings. I started out nicely on this but when the ber months […]

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My Digi Bujo 2018

My Digi Bujo 2018

As everyone buys planners here and there, I decided not to use a physical planner this year and instead go fully digital. I intentionally planned to make this post this February so that my planner would have actual contents in it and not be so empty when I post them here. I do not really have any grand reason for […]

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Traveler’s Notebook Standard Weekly Printable

So, I made this months ago. I was suppose to post it last month, but I got lazy. Anyway, This is how my current Midori Traveler’s Notebook standard size weekly insert look like. I tried several version of weekly designs until I ended up with this, at the end. I made more spaces for the weekdays and smaller spaces for the weekends because […]

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