Quests For 2019

Quest For 2019

Quests For 2019

I had a long list of goals last year – some I’ve completed, some I totally have zero progress, and there are a lot of recreational goals that I never ended up completing. Thankfully, by the time I did my year end recap, my main goals were mostly achieved.

So for this year, I’ll prioritize 3 main goals – financial, photography, and skin care. And the rest of my other goals goes to my “Side Goals,” of which they may or may not be completed by the end of the year.

Financial Goal

Like last year, I will keep on tracking my earnings, savings and expenses. My last year’s tracking was really poor. There were months that I’ve skipped tracking my expenses. So this year, I will do this seriously. Promise! 😆

Rediscover Photography

This was originally a part of achi Roch’s goal, I just copied it from her. I thought it would be interesting to renew our love of photography this 2019.

I first met achi on a photowalk with Stalkerbugs, a photography enthusiast group I was a part of from way way back that were mostly composed of members and friends of GameOPS.

I was also insipired by another friend, RJ of What’s A Geek, to renewing this hobby because of the beautiful photographs he posts in his Instagram account.

Skin Care

When you are listing out goals for the year, do not forget to have at least one or two “love yourself” type of goals. Last year, my goal was to improve my sleeping habits so I subscribed to a sleep program sometime mid year.

This year, I’m doing a skin care goal to improve on my health issues. As you may have already known, I suffer from a lot of different types of skin issues. So my goal is mainly to improve on this skin issues.

Side Goals

Aside the my three main goals above that I am to prioritize for the year, I will put the other goals on the side and do them as time permits.

  • Learn the basics of SEO
  • Read 30 Books
  • Watch 20 Movies
  • Watch 20 TV Series/ Drama/ Anime

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