Quests For 2019

Quest For 2019

I had a long list of goals last year – some I’ve completed, some I totally have zero progress, and there are a lot of recreational goals that I never ended up completing. Thankfully, by the time I did my year end recap, my main goals were mostly achieved. So for this year, I’ll prioritize 3 main goals – financial, photography, and […]

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2018 Quests Recap

2018 Quests Recap

The year is almost ending, so it’s time for my year end goal review. I had made a lot of improvement this year, but unfortunately, I did not meet a lot of goals. So, here’s a recap of my 2018 goals. Financial: Money tracking – logging of earnings, expenses and savings. I started out nicely on this but when the ber months […]

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15th: Logo Throwback

15th: Logo Throwback

Today marks this website’s 15th year. Last year, I had a layout throwback where I posted a bunch of old layouts that I made for this site since the begining. This year, I thought of showing the logos that I’ve used for this site throughout these 15 years. Here goes! This is the first logo I made when I was […]

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Quests For 2018

Quests For 2018

2017 was a roller coaster year for me. A lot of ups and downs happened, and a lot of drama and this and that that went on, and at times, heavy decisions had to be made. It a nut shell, even though in my heart I still refuse to grow up, there’s been a lot of adulting I had to […]

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14th Anniversary: Layout Throwback

14th Anniversary: Layout Throwback

Today marks the 14th year of this blog. Every year I ponder a lot on what to write during my website’s anniversary, and this year, I thought about showing you this blog’s old layouts from when it started. Btw, you can take the image above and use it as a gift for you for celebrating my blog’s 14th anniversary with […]

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