2018 Quests Recap

2018 Quests Recap
2018 Quests Recap

The year is almost ending, so it’s time for my year end goal review. I had made a lot of improvement this year, but unfortunately, I did not meet a lot of goals.

So, here’s a recap of my 2018 goals.

Financial: Money tracking – logging of earnings, expenses and savings.

I started out nicely on this but when the ber months started, everything went crashing. I’ll take this seriously starting January, next year and make this one of my priority goal.

Financial: Saving money

This one was one of my priority goal this year, and thankfully, I met this one. I was finally able to buy a laptop, albeit a low end one. I got myself a second-hand ASUS laptop.

Self-improvement: Technical skills development

No progress.

Self-improvement: creativity development

I started this one, but it also ended down the drain the second half of the year.

Recreation and hobbies

This one, I made progress for some.

  • Read 50 Books/Novels/Web Novels – I have completed this goal and even went beyond. I got s addicted to reading web novels because of this.
  • Watch 20 Movies – I accomplished 13/20 of this goal. The movies I’ve seen were mostly movies I watched with achi Roch, some at movie theatres and most of them were at her house.
  • Watch 20 TV series/drama/anime – I finished 14/20 of this goal.
  • Blog related – for this goal, I have completed the improvements for my blog – technical and visual. But for the 1 post a week goal, I didn’t meet it at all.

Love yourself goal: improve sleeping habits

Aside from the goals that were listed above, I’ve added another goal around April – a “love yourself” type goal. I got this “love yourself” goal idea suddenly when talking to a friend and thought that it was a brilliant concept that I could think of once in a lifetime!

So I thought I’d start with doing a goal to improve my sleeping habits. I made this goal my top priority for the year because it’s health related and I really need to do this.

I started tracking my sleep times via Google Sheets at first. Then I switch it out with an app a few weeks later on. And finally, I subscribed to a sleep program to achieve this goal.

Although I never ended up posting the results of my sleep program, but it was fairly a successful one.

Next stop, 2019 here I come!

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