Quests For 2018

Quests For 2018
Quests For 2018

2017 was a roller coaster year for me. A lot of ups and downs happened, and a lot of drama and this and that that went on, and at times, heavy decisions had to be made. It a nut shell, even though in my heart I still refuse to grow up, there’s been a lot of adulting I had to do. But like in every game, when you die, you just re-spawn back and life goes on.

Come 2018, this year, it will still be the same grinding and farming, but I’m still hoping that the year would be kinder to me.

So, these are the quest I intend to complete by the end of 2018:

  • Start a habit of money tracking – log earnings, expenses and savings.
  • Save money for either a PC upgrade or a new laptop, whichever is more achievable by the end of a year for a certain budget.

Self-improvement: technical skills development

  • Learn Angular 5
    • Complete 1 personal app project using Angular 5 framework
  • Read up on details of AWS
Self-improvement: creativity development
  • Take a least 1 photo a week
  • Complete 10 creative challenges
Recreation and hobbies
  • Read 50 Books/Novels/Web Novels
  • Watch 20 Movies
  • Watch 20 TV series/drama
  • Blog related
    • Post more on blogs – at least 1 post a week
    • Make improvements on blog – technical and visual

This year, I’ve also thought I’d try going paperless for my planners so I didn’t make inserts for my TN this year. I did make some for my mom’s and my sister-in-law’s TNs.

I’m still in the process of trying out several applications to use as alternative for my usual planner but so far, I’ve been using the mix of Google Calendar and Evernote.

I’ve tried using OneNote, the Windows 10 and the online version ones, as my digi bujo for work the past year. But for some reason, the file kept on corrupting midway and having syncing errors. I’ve been trying to figure out how to fix it for months until I gave up on it and returned to Evernote sometime in the last quarter of the year. I’ll try out other ones recommended by friends later on too.

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  1. Hi Euri-sama! 😀 (i’m back XD)
    Good luck on our 2018 goals!
    Althought adulting is so keeping me up, i’m still determined to get my nendoroid collection completed XD
    That’s all I want XD AHAHAHAH! Gambarimasu!!!

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