Firebase as Image Host

Firebase as Image Host
Firebase as Image Host

Google Drive announced last year that it will be deprecating the web hosting feature by August 31, 2016. That’s a few days from now. It means that the once very useful URL,[id], will cease to exist. And it also means that I’ll lose my blog’s image host. 🙁

As you may remember, sometime ago, I decided to move my blog’s images to a Google Drive for several reasons – it’s easier to manage the images, and it’s less likely to lose the images from jumping from one hosts to another, since it’s in a cloud storage. So now that GD is shutting down the web hosting feature, I wont have anyway to hotlink to my images. But the other day, as I received an email reminder of the same content from the Google Apps Team, I read somewhere there about Firebase Hosting.

So I went and checked around Firebase. Firebase is a cloud service provider that software developers can use to create their web applications to. In short, it’s like Google App Engine, but better. I tried playing around with it yesterday morning before I went to sleep. It’s pretty straightforward and easy to use.

The first thing I went and look for was the Pricing. Because I’m a cheap ass and I need it to be free, or at least, really cheap.

Since I only cared about the hosting part, I ignored the rest of it. But if you’re interested, here are the full specs for “Spark” a.k.a. Free:

Included Free
Analytics, App Indexing, Authentication, Dynamic Links, FCM, Invites, Notifications, Crash Reporting, & Remote Config

Realtime Database
Simultaneous connections 100
GB Stored – 1 GB
GB Downloaded – 10 GB
Daily Private Backups – X

File Storage
GB Stored – 5 GB
GB Downloaded – 30 GB
Uploads & Downloads 50,000 each

GB Stored – 1 GB
GB Downloaded – 10 GB
Custom domain hosting & SSL – ✔

After I decided on a plan, which is free, I simply followed everything in the Firebase Hosting Documentation, literally. But if you’re interested, I’ve put up a step by step below.

Step 1: I created a new project at the console page.

Step 2: Then, I downloaded NodeJS, and open the command line to the folder where I installed it. In my case, it is: C:\nodejs

Step 3: In the same command line, I ran: firebase login

  • If it’s getting an error that says something like “Error: Cannot run login in non-interactive mode. See login:ci to generate a token for use in non-interactive environments.” Do this: firebase login --interactive

It’s suppose to install a lot of Firebase stuff.

Step 4: Then, type: firebase login

Your browser will popup to Google Accounts where you’ll need to authenticate, just choose “Allow

Step 5: Create a folder for your project. In my case, I will have my project folder in: C:\projects

Step 6: Back to the command line, go to the directory where your project is, and there, type: firebase init

Step 7: Are you ready to proceed? (Y/n)

Type: Y.

Step 8: What Firebase CLI features di you want to setup for this folder? (Press <space> to select)

Choose: Hosting Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites.

  • Just press <space> to the first one to remove the asterisk in it (*) and continue by pressing enter.

Installing Firebase 2

Step 9: What Firebase project do you wan to associate as default?

Choose the Firebase project you created earlier in Step 1.

Installing Firebase 3

Step 10: What do you want to use as your public ? (public)

Installing Firebase 4

You can type a new directory or simply press enter to use the default, “public.” I used the default.

Step 11: Configure as a single=page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html) (y/n):

In my case, I typed: Y.

It will then create a firebase.json file and a .firebaserc in your C:\projects folder

Step 12: Edit your index.html file and save.

Step 13: On the command line again, type: firebase deploy

Intsalling Firebase 5
And it’s done! 🙂

The only drawback for me here is that I have a lot of files and it takes a while to firebase deploy each time I upload something new. This is because Firebase compiles your files to tar (source).

I’ll try to look for a different alternative, but for now, Firebase is great!

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