My Dad

My Dad

I was supposed to post something about Mother’s Day last month, but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to. So to make it up for it, I thought I’d write something for Father’s Day for a change. Around these times, when my dad was alive, I used to think very hard of what to give to him. Although unlike my mom, he’s not […]

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Empress of China

I’ve been wanting to watch this series since its first debut. I just didn’t have the time to do so until my holiday vacation came. I had the entire half of December of last year for vacation, and I spent it all on watching TV series I’ve been wanting to watch. Empress of China is the first one I’ve seen when […]

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Morong, Bataan

Morong, Bataan

We went to Morong, Bataan, last Friday, for our long overdue company outing. We stayed in a beautiful resort called Bataan White Corals. (More of my photos can be found here.) When we arrived, we were awed by how the beautiful the beach is, and how the water is very clear. Like every company outings, there was a program planned and we […]

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Goth transcends time and fashion. There’s never a specific style, and there never will be, because everything falls to one’s individuality. People who say “too costumey” to a person’s choice of clothing doesn’t understand that it’s not a costume, rather, that person’s individuality. And you have no place to say what should and should not be worn, because there are […]

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Every year, on this day, I’m reminded of one beautiful person, a great guitarist who changed mine and a lot more other people’s lives with his music. Every year, on this day, I pay tribute to one of the people who changed how I view the world, humanity, and probably, my general outlook of life. Every year, on this day, […]

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