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Hi, I’m generally known as Euri. And this website is where I shit rainbows.

On a daily normal life, I do point and click photography as a hobby. Sometimes, I’m also a poet, a short-stories writer, and an accidental designer. I work as a Software Engineer in the morning, and at night, I read manga and novels, watch anime, tv series and movies, play games, and fan girls like normal people do. I also love collecting things such notebooks, washi tapes (that I never really use), cute stick notes, skulls and skeletons. I love drinking tea, eating chips, accumulating stationery and tinkering with my fountain pens. Other things I love are roses, black, red, blue and brown. I hate sports, sunlight, summer and hot weather.

I got known around the Internet for a few things. I am –

  • A super old blogger. I started blogging around 2003. I used to own tons of blog and so that makes me some super old random blogger.
  • A “tita” of J-rock. I used to own several fan sites of Japanese Visual Kei rock bands back in the early days of the web.
  • That ninja admin from Kawaii Heavens. I used to also be a staff (and later, admin) of a now dead anime community and an eroge-based scanlation group called Kawaii Heavens, during the pre-historic era of anime graphic sites and scanlations. Some time in the middle ages of it, we expanded to another scanlation group that mainly focuses of shoujo called Eien no Shoujo, but it didn’t last long. Approximately a year after, everyone went rogue and thus we disappeared in the face of the Internet.
  • That game/geek blogger who only blogs about shitty games. I’m a staff/contributor to a few geek websites run by friends such as What’s A Geek, PlayWithoutApology, Comicgasm, and several other blogs that are now all dead.

It wasn’t widely known, but I was also –

  • A long forgotten fan fiction writer. I used to write fan fictions in and, though it only ran for a few years.
  • An IRC lurker. Being a teen in the early years of the Internet, everyone’s bound to lurk in the IRC.
  • A 4chan raised troll. I loved 4chan and lurk there a lot. Not so much now, but 4chan is a go to website of all bored teenagers.
  • A crazy roleplayer. I roleplay a lot, in my teens. My greatest achievement as a roleplayer was when I got up to the rank of being a Kazekage in a now closed Naruto RP forums.

Other Stuff:

My Collections:

Artwork above was drawn by Beannie.

Other artworks used in this blog were drawn by Jason Ogayon and Reynan Parico.