Got Hacked

I woke up this morning, ate my brunch, and got myself online to check my site. To my surprize, Takipsilim got hacked by someone. He made use of the tagboard admin area on which I haven’t yet password protected. That person inserted an iframe tag to one of the past post redirecting my site to the one that, I assumed that person made. I had figured it out ahead but just fixed it when I got home because I was in a hurry for I am already late!

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  1. Woah. Smart o_O Why is everyone talking a language I don’t understand? Rofl. xD

    Hmm.. At least Takipsilim is back now! ;D

  2. I can’t hate hackers since I have a friend who is a hacker and they do it for a living or for the heck of it but I would be pretty mad if that thing happens to me.

    PS: That picture below is HOT!

  3. A friendly reminder for the one who hacked your lovely site: FUCK YOU.

    Oops, an expletive. Should I delete that? XD

    It’s a good thing you managed to retrieve it. XD

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