When the Lie Becomes the Truth

Expressions – How much do they affect comprehension? Feelings – Do you need ears to hear them? Silence – What do they really mean? Words – Are they clear enough to describe everything? I turned away from that one truth Hoping it would die out someday. But in return this also meant That I’m killing my own heart away. If […]

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Melody of Sweet Pain

There was a song. It was an old song. Even so, its still beautiful. Every time you hear it, Whatever your mood maybe, It will be filled with sweet sadness. It’s as if those memories – Those that faded through the years, Come crushing back through your mind. Those enjoyable laughters, Those bright smiles. Remembering them Filled your heart with […]

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Once, I committed a mistake – One that made these hands tainted. One that made me the one hated, One that made my name well known. I remember clearly that day, As if it just happened today. Not once these shadows stopped haunting me. Not once I tried to break free. Those questioning stares full of fright, Those continues tears […]

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Leave me the scars of your pains, And I shall bear your cross through eternity. Those pains that stabbed those bleeding scars. Those scars that marked the unhealing heart. I shall quenched that thirst for love and acceptance. I shall heal those wounds that continuously bleeds. I shall wipe those tears that had covered your soul. I shall embrace that […]

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After Eternity

You feel so alone. As if no one was even there. No one understands. No one cares. You screamed as hard as you can. No one heard it. You had drenched yourself with tears. No one saw it. You were agonizing in pain. No one noticed it. Then, I came. I heard your cries. I saw your tears. I felt […]

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