Dream of a Fairy Elf Dream

Yey! I just uploaded everything and this is it. I know it doesn’t look that good, sorry. I had also updated Lost Perception and a few links. I just noticed that a lot of sites had been moving lately… Geisteskrank, a clique for the insane; Infinite Beauty, dawn fanlisting; Endless Promise, night fanlisting; Frozen, Saturn’s Blog; Angelic Twinkles and Jenni’s site has move to her own domain. Speaking of Jenni, I joined her fanlisting, Angelic Stalker. 😛

Philip and Chette has opened a Blog Awards! And it’s open for nominations! Just in case your interested… I will plug the site here for a week. ^^ Please join!

I entered a Layout of the Month contest at Meaning-Less. I wonder if I would win with such a layout? *starts to sacare self* Anyway, yesterday, I was wondering why my MyFileBucket account is not logging in. Good thing I know how to read updates and so I read that there was an attack and they lost quite a few accounts and they failed to back it up. So yes, my account was one of the deleted. I think the excuse was acceptable so I signed up again. Besides, I could find a better suited image host for me.

As promised, the gifts I had received for new year! Thank you so much Aliah, Crypt, Melfina, Chette, Enob-X, Ayame, Najo and Saffy!!

I forgot to put up the counter. O.o *whacks self*

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