
A marriage license should be just like a passport or driver’s license. If we are not interested to renew it, then it expires. We are tough women, we will fight for our right to be free from the bondage of marriage.

— Margie Tajon

Above all else, your party list has the LAMEST of lame name EVER, in the history of mankind. It’s called “1-ABAA” which is short for “1-Ako Babaeng Astig Aasenso,” for the sake of those people who are interested.

On to the main topic, a marriage license, my dearest Ms. Margie Tajon, can’t be compared to a passport or a driver’s license. Having a husband is not just like having a new car to “ride on” and throw it away when you found a sexier and better car for your taste. And a family, for the love of all things, is not just some “luggage” or “extra trash” along the way.

If you don’t wanna get married, then don’t get married. Live-in couples are very common in this day and age. Just quit thinking of these ultra idiotic ideas. If, you just can’t get the idea of  “til death do us part” off your shit, try proposing another DIVORCE law. You’ll never know when the bishop would actually agree to it just because it’s already getting annoying. On that note, I still think that the Church should just shut up about these laws since government and the Church will always be different.

You may not want your husband, but there are people who wanted to get married too. And could you image how many people wanted to a have a “family” but can’t? There are tons of people out there who would appreciate the things you throw away, and if only they could, would rather take it out of your hands happily.

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  1. di ako updated sa mga party lists, but this one is, yes your right, lamest of the lame… baka akala nya di sya tatanda..

  2. Your ignorance is getting the best of you. You better read the proposal first before you comment and say the stupidest things. I bet, when you just read the proposal, you may be a convert and a staunch advocate.

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