Yes, yes. Me was at the ToyCon ’08, but me wasn’t cosplaying. Me arrived late too. Because cool people always arrive late. Along the isle near the Mobius booth, me was standing in awe. While on the process, me got lucky and get to meet the Dan Hellbound (me wonders, what happened to his site) there but me forgot to ask for an autograph. =P
Here’s a few eye candy for you guys. =3
Oh, and oh and oh. Here’s the highlight of the post: Hard Gay hits Hard with Biatch! Free wallpaper for the Dev Team!
Friendly Advice:
Be careful of ToyCons, you’ll never know what hit you.
This post is payback to Biatch for taking Gackt’s name from me as a character name in GONG!
“Because cool people always arrive late.”….hmmm…..
may kilala akong madalas na late….wahaha
kamotenistas last blog post..My Disastrous Birthday
harduh geh… hirlarious… hehehe
sundowndoss last blog post..GONG! Open Beta Launch at the Toy Convention 2008…
waaaahahaha! di ko na HUG si jeof! ewwww!
Hulaan ko kung sino yun! Nagstart sa letter E, nag-end sa letter I. Tapos yung isa, nag start sa letter R, nag-end sa letter E.
Contaminated na yan! =P
wahehehe… naunahan ka pala sa gackt. hehehe… naguunahan nga raw sa “sasuke” na name eh. hehehe…
Sieges last blog post..Sieges List
Oooh.Fun! Fun! Fun!~
Najos last blog post..Very
And you’re so cuuuute!!! <3333333
Najos last blog post..Very
Aww I wanted to see euri-chan cosplaying gothic lolita style~ <3 but I love your get up though ^_^ kyaah black~ <3
@first picture: the guy on the left wearing glasses looks like Ananda ( ???) XD
@second picture: Lol @ starwars cosplayers~ Can I steal the one in the middle? psst psst
@last picture: XD Hahah that was so funny~
Oo nga eh. Let’s sabotage darkangel sa Gong!
Sama ka next time! Let’s drag George to take pictures. He has a nice new cam from his fat fat wallet.
Now that I think about it, he does looks like ?? at some angle ne?
Hey Euri! It’s been a while. Ang saya naman ng ToyCon~ <3
Cooooooooool! But I too wanted to see you in all your cosplay glory…
Shannons last blog post..<a href=””” rel=”nofollow”>M.A.S.H
You didn’t watch my band!:(
wow I also want to cosplay someday.
Rosas last blog post..A new inhabitant has come to rosanijra.
OMG! Pumunta ka ng Toy Con?! Huwaaaa…. di kita nakita. Huhu.. I saw hard gay nga.. he was really funny. He also cosplayed at the last M3Con..
Sayang di tayo nagkitsa sis!
Andun ka pala… XD Pumunta rin kami nung first day kaso di kami pumasok. Masikip daw sa loob. D: Nagtingin-tingin nalang kami ng cosplayers sa labas ng Megatrade. XD
oh btw Euri – could you tell me what plugin you use to reply to comments?
Afefs last blog post..What to do this summer? (Help with your To-Do List!)
omg, hard gay xDDD
you just kill my guts dies laughing
That last photo made me ROTFLMAO!
may gallery ka ba nito sa multiply or somewhere?
^ Nope. Gomen ne~
oh no…. not the mustache!!!!! arrrrghhhhh dead
I want those weird costumes. now