14th Anniversary: Layout Throwback

14th Anniversary: Layout Throwback

Today marks the 14th year of this blog.

Every year I ponder a lot on what to write during my website’s anniversary, and this year, I thought about showing you this blog’s old layouts from when it started.

Btw, you can take the image above and use it as a gift for you for celebrating my blog’s 14th anniversary with me. Just click the image and save it to your own servers. I wont be making anymore of such gifts after this, because I don’t think anyone is interested in collecting them anymore.

Now, on to Beyond Eternal’s layout throwback!

Warning: Lots of images ahead!


When I started this website in Geocities so many years ago, this was my very first layout. It was a premade web set from a now dead site called Celtic or Knot. I named it Forgotten Earth.

My second layout was named Lamentation. I used a single image titled “Despair Faerie” from a very old website that I frequent a lot in those days, Whisper’s Castle. Suprisingly, this website still exist even today. You might want to visit it, it’s very interesting.

Because I loved Despair Faerie so much, I used it again for another layout for my third one. This time, a very dark one. I named this layout, Shadowed Thoughts.

The fourth layout was named Frozen Shine. The image was exactly the Water Shrine from the old Arc The Lad Collection game for Playstation 1.

If you’re a gamer, you probably recognize the next one. She’s KOSMOS from Xenosaga EPISODE 1 Der Wille zur Macht. It was very popular game way back. Unfortunately, I never got to play the sequel games after this one.

This fifth layout was named KOSMOS Star Gaze, because I suck at naming things.

This sixth one is probably still, second favorite layout of all those I did before. I named it Blood Thirst. The character from the layout is obviously Killua Zoldick from the manga/anime Hunter X Hunter.

Next, my seventh, is a layout named Memories of a Dead. This was the time where I discovered the beauty of using Photoshop brushes and got so obesessed with them for a time. The bruses are from The Fifth Muse (still exisiting!) and a now dead site called Pretty Brush.

My eighth layout is called Reflections in the Sky and it features my face. Enought said.

The ninth is named Purity and it also features brushes from The Fifth Muse.

My tenth layout is probably my most popular one. A lot of friends love it. I named it Melancholic Sonata. The violin and flowers from a stock images CD I bought and still, I used brushes from The Fifth Muse.

This is the era where I was obsessed with MMORPG thus my eleventh layout features the Fairy Elf from MU Online, and was named Fairy Dream. Butterfly brushes was from a site called Truly Sarah.

My twelveth layout features my beloved Gackt. The layout was named after his song, Another World. The image was from The Gackt Oasis and brushes from Miss M Photoshop Brushes.

The thirteenth one is named Chained. The image was from an old anime/manga site called Boyis.

This was my very first pure CSS layout. Before this one, every layout was coded in tables after tables after tables. Haha!

And came my first every self-coded wordpress layout, using WordPress 1.5, if I remember it correctly.

Before I made this fourteenth layout on which I named Stare, I decided to move to self-hosted WordPress from Movable Type and started learning how to make my own layout after that.

The guy in the header image is a stock image of Bishounenboy.

And comes my favorite layout from all the rest that I coded. I named it Dusk, for obvious reasons. The image was from stock.xchng.

After this, I have a few more layouts that I lost the screenshots of. I’ll look for them and edit this post at a later date.

After that, I stopped coding my own layouts because there are tons out there that are better, and what even more better is that they are free to download.

I hope you enjoyed the blog throwback!

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  1. 14 years! Mine just turned 10 this year. I may have changed my primary domain but the original one’s still very much alive. Cheers to more years!

  2. Holy crap, girl! LOL It’s CRAZY how long our sites have been around for… well, mine not so much, but all together, it’s crazy to think about how long we have had web sites for 😀 I love it. I love looking back on the memories, and your old layouts were so much like my old ones. I used to feel pressured at times because people would be like “You have to make your OWN layouts, not use a template, even for a blog site.” I’m like really 😐 Glad people aren’t so stuck up these days, but anyway! I’m glad Beyond Eternal is still going strong <33

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