Bessy’s 18th Birthday

Today is Bessy’s Birthday and I couldn’t even greet her because I lost my phone and I have no other contacts of her… And I’m also not sure if she’s home. And I wouldn’t try to go to their house not telling her first. It’s because of her stupid idea of using me so that she and her boyfriend could see each other. Now, I can’t even get even a mile near their house without informing her first because I might screw everything up and her father would found out that she’s meeting with that guy and she can’t. Her mother already knew and it’s okay. I wonder what would his father do to the guy? Chase him with a Samurai sword at his right hand and an ax at the left? LOLs! Thinking of it makes me laugh hard!! Maybe I’ll just greet her on her debut party. Now, what would I give her then? *thinks* Still haven’t thought of it. I better figure out something or else I will end up giver her a teddy bear again (she seems to like them though…)

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