Letting Go…

All of us had gone, will be going, or is going through a life of great change, a life of great acceptance, a life of great pain, a life full of doubts, a life full of confusions – a teen age life. Always, whenever we cross this road, we meet a lot of people and lose a lot too. Some of them, we just came to meet along the road and leave us just like that. But for some, they became a great part of our lives. But we can never say that these people would always be with us. Sometimes we must also learn how to let go.

Sometimes, when we really want something so bad, we always thought that everything’s okay, everything’s going as we want it to be. But sooner or later, with a blink of an eye, we’ll just realize it was gone. And no matter what we do, no matter how hard we try, it will never come back to the way it used to be. And after that we’ll decide of letting go.

Letting go of someone isn’t that easy. Whenever we let someone go, we always hold back because that person means so much to us. Even if it means hurting ourselves, we still keep our eyes peeled just to keep that person beside us. After we’ve let go, we always hope that that person would come back. But sometimes, we have to accept the fact that that person would never come back and wont be the same person that we once knew. We just have to give that person up for us to grow and for us to realize that somebody out there needs that someone more that we do.

Even though life is cruel at times, we still need to wipe our tears dry, face the new world without that someone beside and get up every time we fall and know that that person wont always be there to catch us whenever we fall. Through this, we learn and become much stronger than we were before.

An article for Literature class.

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1 Comment

  1. 🙁 so sad but the truth that cannot be refuesed or ignored. Anyway as we all know thats life and we have to learn to accepted

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