Terrifying Thoughts

From this day forward, I will start to live a life without the -teen at the end of my age. The thought makes me both glad and depressed at the same time. Glad that I had learned a lot the last years of my teenage life, yet depressed for I still have not a clue of what I should be or where I should stand. Thinking that whenever my birthday comes, I could hear both tears of happiness and sorrow for the graduating batches. With just a few more months, I would also gradute. As much as I wanted to be happy that I would finally leave the life of a student, I grew terrified of what I am to become after it. More than once I had asked myself the same old lines I always do, “Where do I go from here?” My passion is what guided me through the road where I now stand and stare at the sky asking repeatedly. That passion that I once used to point out my route, could be less of its use now and so I need another driving force for my guidance.

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  1. Consider yourself fortunate that you are quite confident that you’ll be graduating in just a few months. I am not even sure if I’ll even graduate from that sorry excuse for a college.

  2. Are you sure about not graduating? Hey, could you please damn compare your grades to mine? Your your grade record is fasling with ACES while mine is the other way around. ๐Ÿ˜› I am confident, yes, because I know I would be more than willing to excert effort just to pass. The problem is, if I passed, did I learn anything?

  3. First of all MALIGAYANG KAARAWAN ^^ I wish you a happy birthday, though it’s actually Black Friday ๐Ÿ˜‰
    It is the same with me on my b-day. On the one hand, I am glad to be yet another step closer to get 18 (the legal age here), but on the other hand, I realize how “old” I get.
    I wish you a wonderful time during your twenties then!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Uuyyyy..Belated happy birthday! Hehe! You’re twen-teen now! LOL! Haaaay…Good luck..I know you can do it! Kaw pa! ๐Ÿ˜€ Haaay..That’s one of my two favorite ironies in life. “The grass is greener on the other side.” When you’re a student, you wanna graduate, pero as soon as you graduate, you wanna be a student again. sighs But hey, life’s a teacher itself. Kaya nga, as Mark Twain said, “I won’t let schooling interfere with my learning,” dba, life talaga..Haha! Ahhh ewan nawala ako bigla sa comment ko! Ano nga ba uli sasabihin ko? Haha!

  5. Belated Happy Birthday!!!

    Aww… It’s okay.. Ganyan talaga buhay eh, parang life. Err… Okay, it’s corny. But you get my point.

  6. sigh I’m a third year college student. By next school year I’l be a draduating student and I am terrified by the thought of it also for three reasons.

    1.) I still have to pass my Licensure exam
    2.) Would I find teh right job for me?
    3.) Will I do well in my job?

    AGH!!!! I don’t even know if I’ll survive my 4th year!!! -_-

  7. Hehe Euri, I am sure someday you can find the way where you want to go. Sometimes people are lost and are confused, they dunno why they are walking a certain path in life but then they still do it for others. I am sure you wont be confused anymore. I love yah, take cares~

  8. Happy happy happy birthday!!! Pokes Euri-chan 20 times I dunno but over here in California it’s still the 25th ๐Ÿ˜› Guess what? I am going back to PI this summer! XD I shall find you! O.O stalks Just kidding. I doesn’t think I shall find ya though. ๐Ÿ˜› Anyway happy birthday!!!!

  9. Haay nako frnd!! kaya yan,, We’ve graduated through High Scool together,, I’m Sure we’ll also graduate through this damn phase together ulit!! Life can be cruel!! (just kidding!! :))i think they’re right,, we should consider ourselves fortunate,, About the future, right job or not,, be thankful we even came this far, diba,, We’ll gotta go!! Basta, don’t think about it too much,, there’ll be better days,, hehehe!!
    Love yah,, mwaaah!!!

  10. Hey! Happy belated 20th birthday!

    And I’m sure you’ll do fine. I was going through a similar phrase when I graduated from high school but I managed to pull through. You just got to do your best and think positive. Anyways, I wish you best of luck in the future! ^_^

  11. Woah dude. You are so deep!~ Lol. xD [hugs] You’re twentyy? ;D That’s awesome n_n I want to be twenty =( I’m only fourteen. Not even. [sighs] Okay well. Remember to say “HELLO WORLD, HERE I COME” really loud one day this year when you get something to do ‘cos that’s cool. rofl. I’m not making sense ๐Ÿ™ I’ll ttyl!!~ HAPPY EASTERRR [hugs]

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