Earth Day Jam 2008

No. I’m not going to the Earth Day Jam 2008 on the 25th. And even if the admission is free, who the hell cares? I can pay for my entrance fee. I’m not that poor. And even if the lineup is pretty good, I still will not go.

I do not want to support ART STEALERS or people who uses other people’s works without the artist’s permission. And it this case, it’s way too much since you can find the poster which uses the stolen image all over the place. And at worst case, the image has been bastardized too.

Therefore, as a sign of MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT over these people, especially the one who made that poster, I urge other people not to go to the said gig.

I’m cross-posting this, everywhere.

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  1. so they stole it, they should have at least made the poster more attractive and not putting a globe in place of Alodia’s pretty face..BAA-REM-YOU!! lol… they are art stealers at the same time bad photo-manipulators / photo editors . Hope deviant art will make the copyright more secure now this happened. *wtf*

  2. Because you posted it, it got my attention. Now more people get to know that there is an Earth Jam 2008, more people will be interested, more people will come.

    Your’re doing a promotion for them just like what Supersize Me did for McDonalds.


    randell’s last blog post..<a href=’'” rel=”nofollow”>The Big Bang Theory: Season 1: Episode 12: The Jerusalem Duality

  3. Enob-x,
    Uu nga. Yaman din lamang na nagnakaw na ng image, sana inayos narin yung poster. Ang panget eh. Halatang pinagsasasalpak lang yung mga images.


    Not really, I’m posting this to announce that I will not be going and is indirectly telling the whole world that people should not attend it. Even if I do not announce this, nagkalat yung mga posters of the said event all around the place. so I do not even have to say it to let the people know about it.

  4. Gee they couldve just made their own poster with their own pictures or something... its cheap to get a camera and they have sponsors too!… (and most of them probably has it already)… 👿

  5. it quite saddens me that your calling for the boycotting of this wonderful event. The organizers have been doing this for over 8 years and were never involved in any controversy until this one. i am aware that the person responsible for this is not the organizer but the ARTIST who created the said poster. it was his responsibility to have stated to the organizer on how he obtained the image. i believe that the organizers are innocent as they may have had no way of determining that they too were duped, and why would they attempt to tarnish their good reputation with such an obvious display of copying and if they knew that they were doing something wrong, then why have they been promoting it so openly on TV, on Print, everywhere! they wont really get anything out of it. right now i’m sure that the organizers of earthday are already trying to come up with a solution that would be for the best of everyone. No, we mustn’t boycott the event as it is for a good cause, and the scarcity of such free and fun events are too precious to waste. what we must do is to take action against the irresponsible artist who fooled everyone; you, me, the model, the photographer, and the event organizers, so that he may never repeat the same misdeed again.

  6. Spotty,
    How about you’re in Alodia’s shoes. You wake up one day and suddenly see yourself in a poster posted all over the city. Your head that was cut off and edited horribly and replaced it with a globe (not to mention that polar bear at it’s top too). And you don’t even have the fucking idea why are you seeing yourself over there, and at the same time, that image is even a copyrighted material, and the worst thing there is you don’t even had an idea about what the fuck is this Earth Day thing. Now, what would you feel?

    Frankly, I don’t want to hear excuses. Making excuses like this is like digging their grave deeper. The fact that they are a part of it, they are also responsible for it. I don’t think that reasoning of “it’s the artist’s fault, not theirs” is right. I understand that you’re defending the organizers here, but you have to look at it in a bigger picture than that. It’s not because it’s the artist fault, everyone else can wash their hands off it just like that. Granting that they were also fooled by the artist, isn’t it also their fault that this happened because of their poor judgment? Real world is crueler than that. Hard work and much effort alone doesn’t make it whole.

  7. it quite saddens me that your calling for the boycotting of this wonderful event.

    Why do we need to care if you’re sad? We don’t even know you.

    While I’m at it, please tell that artist that his poster suck. And I’m saying this at a point of view of a regular joe who just chanced upon that hideous poster. And I don’t even care about all this too. And no, I’m not an Alodia fan.

  8. Hmm? Bat gising ka pa? Haha!

    Earth Day Jam is a gig, ate Chette. But this one is for a cause – Earth Day. I don’t think you go to gigs though. ^^;

  9. I can understand if it was some school kid taking the original image and manipulating it for a school project, but a larger organization such as this one? O_O

  10. He shouldn’t have used some material that is stolen to an event this big. It’s like walking with your blood-stained hands in front of the sheriff’s office.

  11. I don’t think I’ve seen this much controversy ever since Laura Jade spotted one of her famous photos on a pornography DVD cover.

    Big companies like these should REALLY know better than to snatch an image off the internet and editing it without looking for the creator and asking. D:

  12. ew coming from a fellow artist that is terrible its completely ruined a perfectly good picture with bad editing and transformed it into some thing ugly not to mention its stolen god stuff like this disgusts me!

  13. about the quite heated issue about copyrighted images… Aren’t the artists under the organizer’s jurisdiction? Ganito lang yan, sa election kung maydayaan, di ba presidente ang sinisisi natin, hindi mismo ang Comelec? Same with the organizers. They should have closely monitored their artists, because it’s under their jurisdiction.

    The problem with the popularity of digital technology is that people can easily take credit of other people’s work. Just look at many blogs with celebrity layouts, with those wo get pictures from gettyimages and other copyrighted stock photo sites…and then they claim that it is made by them just because they edited it.

  14. wow..
    that’s sick, and sad. do people have no sense of dignity anymore? (wait, no they don’t >>;; ) it’s a terrible design too. if that post had been out during my first semester of school i would’ve used it as an example of bad design for one of my projects.

    anyway, what’s so hard about crediting too? just one simple line. wow…the laziness ne~ =.=

    Hikari’s last blog post..<a href=’′” rel=”nofollow”>break

  15. Was it that hard for them to ask the proprietor of the image for permission & pay for the use??? :S man, they should’ve gone to a free stock site or else they could’ve paid 10 bucks to some emo kid and gave her a guitar and took a pic of her lol xD

    Afef’s last blog post..My New Child!!

  16. I really don’t go to gigs a lot, but still… It’s a shame for the organizers that they did such act. Why can’t they be more creative than that?

    Dan Hellbound’s last blog post..<a href=’'” rel=”nofollow”>40 Minutes After Christ Died.

  17. Now that’s a complete plagiarism.. And another great offense for damaging the picture. Hasn’t that idea passed through the mind of whoever made that poster? That completely sucks the concert… for a cause, eh? The organizers shouldn’t have overlooked this thing. Whatta crime..

  18. it’s a bad thing, i agree… but please don’t spread hate over it. we are all guilty of the same crimes, well almost. we have listened to mp3s that we didn’t buy, we have used cracked software, we have watched pirated videos, we have viewed clips in youtube that i doubt has permission from their owners.

    i am not saying we don’t prosecute the organizers, i am just saying that we still support what they want to happen in the bigger picture.

    Bobby’s last blog post..<a href=’'” rel=”nofollow”>Family

  19. Bobby :
    Sure, but are you making business / money selling your MP3s or your pirate videos ?

    And considering it is a local artist, can’t they just give her a phone call or send her a mail to ask for permission ?
    Can’t they credit her name on the poster ?
    Send her invites or whatever ? etc etc…

    I mean IMO it’s not about who’s a saint or who’s not, it’s about responsibilities coming with organization of big events, showing the example even if it’s through inventing new ways of compensation if they’re short on money…

    At the end, a notion everyone seams to just forget lately : Respect of the artist. Respect of the “other” in general…

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