Zero no Tsukaima Light Novel is being licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment. For more info on this, please head over to Aquastar Anime Fansubs on which we have this project joint with. AQS and KH are still on the process of discussing if they would or would not drop the said project. That said, since the project is licensed, I will remove it from my downloads section despite the would be decision of it being continued or not. For the sake of those other people who haven’t leeched yet or would be leeching from me, I will keep the downloads up but only for one week (7 days) from this day.
Even if how much you talk me out of this, licensed are licensed. I’ve been removing them ever since so it wont do you any good.
Heeeeellloooo ate.
That’s cool that it was license, but sucks that you have to take it down, though I’m not really into anime sorry.
I’ve never heard of that series. I don’t quite understand all the licensed stuff and all that; well I do, but it’s just confusing me now.
Lol sorry i dont know what book you talked about, but I think it’s a book that just got ‘licensed; as you say, and now you’re not allowed to put it up for download?
Idk anything about anime and licensure, so [= Anyways, you’ve got a nice looking site here, good job [=
Aww, sucks that it got licensed. But you are doing very good to stick policies and stuff to take it down when they are licensed. I bet I’d be one of those people whining and sad right now, if I had the time to read and do stuff anymore. -sighs- BUT! Since I’m not! I can agree with you calmly. =P
wow. I haven’t read any manga for like two months. wahaha. too bad it got licensed, I want to download it but I guess I won’t – given the one week notice (busy-busyhan kase :D)
It’s not a manga. It’s a novel. It has a manga version though. X-P