
A while a ago, I got a chance to talk to him. I am quite releived to hear him told me his fine when I ask. Now, I think could sleep soundly. I’ve been worried sick, I guess. I can’t help it, you know. 😛

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  1. Who is this “Him” ?? everyone is talking about..

    A special someone? boyfriend? mystery guy in euri’s life?

    Who is “Him”??


  2. Who is this ?Him? ?? everyone is talking about..

    A special someone? boyfriend? mystery guy in euri?s life?

    Who is ?Him???


    Hehe. Who else?

  3. Yeah who is this him? A bf perhaps? 😀 Kk sorry I sound like a silly teenage girl…..wait I am a silly teenage girl! Kkk a boyfriend? A friend? A fammily member? Who?

  4. I was right. “Redneck” will be okay do not worry. God already answered our prayer regarding Rosa and now.. soon.. it will be “Redneck”.

  5. Aww… who is the “him” huh? Is it Euri’s special someone? 🙂 hehehe~ I am glad you can finally sleep!! Now, I just got to learn from you and me have to start sleeping too… =/

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