There was this congressman, who’s name I can’t be bothered to remember, on the news yesterday who wanted to ban the publication of FHM because, according to him, it destroys people’s morality, or so what I could recall from what he said over a TV interview. As most of you know, I am a pro-smut supporter. But even though, I passed it off as just another political charade. Well, who wouldn’t anyway? Politicians are all alike. May it be senators, congressmen or whatever. It’s all about money and power. If the reason is as cheezy as “protection of people’s innocence” or something, I don’t think people would even buy such lies. Besides, innocence is a word that does not exist anywhere in this world anymore. There may be a lot of uneducated people as they are, but there’s a lot of difference between an uneducated person and a plain stupid person who keeps closing his eyes. In Tagalog, malaki ang pagkakaiba ng isang taong walang pinag-aralan ang ng isang taong sadyang tanga and nagbubulagbulagan. (Ah, Tagalog definitely sounds better. It creeps you out to the bone. Or my English is just crappy.) Whatever the hidden agenda behind that FHM and other smutty magazine banning, given their reason (the facade one), I don’t think that reason is even enough to ban them. I think they should think of a better and more convincing reason than that. It’s even crappier than my English, seriously.
In the case of Loren Legarda arresting people for pornographic contents in their website, I think, it’s none of her business nor is is any of the people’s business that the author wanted to publish those. the fact that he was able to publish them without his host complaining already means it’s allowed. You see, the Internet does not belong to the Philippines nor the Philippine Law could dictate what should and should not be published though the Internet. As all of us might’ve already known this fact that the Internet has this mutual ethics of read and/or view at your own discretion. To put it more simply, if you don’t like what you read or see in a website, then just fucking leave. Your ass isn’t needed and who do you think you are anyway? If you wanted to say something about it, then say something. That’s freedom of speech. But arresting people just because of pornographic contents to his site? Get real, people.
I think, if it doesn’t have anything to do with you, why take the trouble? Of course, unless there’s a hidden motive to this, on which, I believe is always the case.
The Prize,
She’s JUST (in uppercase, bold and emphasis) a senator. She doesn’t have the right to prevent people from doing what they wanted to do with their lives. It’s THEIR lives not hers. The guy did not even do anything wrong (at least, in my opinion). Posting/sharing pornographic contents maybe just for his hobby, leisure purposes and/or or for his own sexual fulfillment.
The last thing I wanna hear is Loren Legarda imprisoning people who commit adultery for reasons that God forbids adultery according to the 10 commandments. X-P
Yeah! Keep your porky hands off my porn, damn it!
Aha, porn. I don’t know what to say but I pretty much agree on your whole post Miss Euri. It is just so wrong. Too much.
Eradicate porn! Save the kids!
ganyan talaga ang matatanda
Haha. Special mention pa pala ako. Hehe. Out of context ka naman oi!
Are there even evidence that would lead us to conclude that porn contributes to a society’s detoriation? As a matter of fact, studies concerning Japan, home to our (thank the non-existent God) hentai’s, yaoi’s, yuri’s, Maria Ozawa (on second thought, maybe there’s a God afer all), bukakke, and other porn concepts many of us find weird, for some, repulsive, but a curiosity nonetheless, have shown a correlation between the decrease in rape cases and the increase in the amount of porn that are being proliferated.
So with that said, spread the love, distribute porn
internet is for porn, internet is for porn, grab your dick and double click…
anyhow… morality… innocence… coming from a politician? wtf?!? porn stars can be considered as saints compared to the politicians of this country. these fuckers are so full of it that instead of looking for corruption in their offices, they look at porn sites. fuckers
Do you know that in Japan the number of rape cases is virtually nil?
And who do they have to thank for it? PORN! Readily available porn!
Vending machine available porn at that!
I have mixed feelings with this. We have freedom of speech, however, social responsibility is alongside with it. –something many forget.
I’m not sure but I think the strong presence of porn in the Philippines can be attributed to rape cases unlike in Japan(as claimed by Jon). I was able to watch this documentary where a guy raped his own relative… right after looking at his porn mags. I think it’s because the Filipino society is extremely machistic to the point that just because you have lighter skin than your typical Filipino, susutsutan ka na(kahit balot na balot ka sa damit!). And these people avail of the pornographic tabloids(with funny headlines…hehe). Ugh. Maybe, the Philippines is an exemption to the “correlation” statistics of decrease in rape cases and an increase in porn access?
They actually arrest people for pornography on websites? Since when has this been happening?
Wow. O_O Totoo? I have no idea kung ano na nangyayari ngayon, haha, lunod na ako sa acads. La oras kahit magbasa ng diyaryo. T_T
Pero, seriously, Legarda is doing that??? Wow. I really like Legarda. She has my respect more than anyone else in the government. Haha, but this is just funny. xD
Yeah. We’re the same. I like Senator Denfensor-Santiago too before. But now? Err.. Gah. X-P
if u were to get rid of porn u’d be getting rid of maria ozawa