Dear NoLimitHost

Dear NoLimitHost,

Now that I’m finally done with my move and my entire domain is about 96% working by now, I’m writing this open letter for your hosting company. And yes, I’m name mentioning here.

I would like to let you know how disappointed I was with your hosting. Your services has been really really bad. I’ve been having a lot of problems with your hosting since last year. For one, I’m often getting hacked. And I clearly do not know why. Thankfully, though the hacking did a SERIOUS amount of damage to my files, it didn’t reach my databases. If not, I would’ve been raging in your nearly non-existing customer support and/or spamming your blogs and sites already. Aside from that, my sites were always down. And by down, I mean they do not load at all. for a number of times, for hours at random days. This has been happening since the first few months I’ve been hosted in your servers, but I’ve been very patient (and also lazy to find a new host and transfer my files, because it’s a lot of work and time consuming). But in the end, I reached by limit and finally gave up. So I have decided to move on with another hosting company.?

I do not care if you read or respond to this or not. I just wanted all my readers to read it to let them know that it is wise not to get hosted by your company.

Angry customer,

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  1. Hi.. galit na galit ah… relak lang… If you need a hosting service, I know one that’s secure and have a very good customer support… i mean, veeerrryy gooood customer support… =)

  2. I’m also having problems with my current host and I plan to publish a similar post on my blog once I’ve moved hosts. The crappy customer service is what really annoys me. The CS representatives reply very late. It takes a few hours to a whole day before I hear back from them. There was this small problem that I asked them to fix, and it took them a couple of weeks to resolve. I think they even lied to me. And now, that small problem is back after the server went down for three to five days.

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