Soft Eng Dilema

Soft Eng Dilema
Soft Eng Dilema

As always, I have a lot of school stuff to finish. I should have submitted my project last Monday. But the night before, it corrupted. When I transferred my backup, it also corrupted. So, I have to do it all over again. I thought I could finish that by the next day but I was wrong. It’s hard to finish something on a single night where in fact, you made that for 2 months. sigh The next day was the submission day and I didn’t had the face to go to class without any project to present for defense and so I cut class. sigh On the third day, we don’t have classes, I don’t know why. O.o But I was sure it wasn’t because it was Immaculate Conception. Why would I know about Immaculate Conception? It’s because I was studying at a Catholic University before and was always required to join parades for saints. Anyway, back to my story, since we don’t have classes, I continued making that project for that day and didn’t sleep again. It was my third night without sleep so it would be natural for me looking paler than I already am! But on the fourth night (last night), I slept. I didn’t want to collapse again don’t I? I think I would try to pass that project on Monday. I think Dean (yeah, he’s our dean and he’s my instructor for that subject) is a very reasonable person and would accept my project no matter how late it is. “Better late than never.” 😛 My subject? It’s Software Engineering. and I knew nothing about softwares. XP

Even though, I was really glad that bro was always online to cheer me up and joke around. ^^ Thanks bro! And also thank you so much to Agnostic_Pilgrim for helping me out with figuring the program! ^^ For those who do get offended easily, especially Christians, please don’t visit their sites. But the decision is still yours to make. Just don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. ^^ And speaking of bro Tony, I wanted to share this image I drew while taking to him last week. ^^ Uncle Fester? Rofl! This is to portray him who haven’t slept and looks very very tired. Yes, it was quite exaggerated!! Lols! ^^ But It was really funny!!

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